The security of Your hosting

20 September, 2024 | by B.Grabarczyk

Yes, yes – we know. You've already read something about security, you change passwords, you update your websites – generally, you might think there's nothing more to add to the topic. Wrong! When it comes to online security, there's always something more to say. 😊

Solutions designed for Linux hosting (like those at are popping up like mushrooms after the rain – and that's a good thing. Many of you probably remember the days when websites were built in HTML, and various CMS platforms like WordPress were an unattainable dream. The takeaway is that progress in any field is invaluable, but with progress comes a greater awareness of threats.

Who ever thought about securing their social security number? Or enabling credit alerts? Such tools are a response to the threats lurking out there. Returning to the hosting world – here, too, we must keep up with new mechanisms and tools, not only those improving the performance of websites (like LiteSpeed – yes, available at but also protecting us from external interference.

With this somewhat lengthy introduction that underscores the seriousness of the situation, we bring you enlightenment on hosting account security, in short: Imunify360.

You guessed it – we wouldn't be writing about Imunify360 if it wasn't available to you on When (for the purpose of creating this post) we asked our Admins for a brief description of this tool, the response was full of terms that we had to look up online. We've translated it into 'normal language' and can now inform you with pleasure that Imunify360 is a program that allows you to scan all directories on your hosting account (including website files and even email!) for viruses, infections, and all types of malware.

What's especially important – Imunify360 removes infected files or just the parts of files containing the infection after the scan is complete. On the one hand, that's great – you start the scan and don't have to worry about anything, but on the other hand – it could happen that, for example, you installed a 'bad' plugin for WordPress, and our scanner removes files from that plugin, which will cause a specific function on your website to stop working.

Our advice? Before scanning, make sure you have a backup of your email and website available in cPanel (backups are created automatically at, but it's always better to be safe than sorry). This way, if anything goes wrong after the scan, you can restore the backup (thus restoring the website's functionality) and, under controlled conditions, replace the faulty plugin with one recommended by the manufacturer 😉 Simple? Of course!

Perform regular scans of your accounts on as we've described in our HELP section – better safe than sorry! 😊

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