Two-Factor Authentication in

30 July, 2024 | by B.Grabarczyk

This post is created out of the need to spread knowledge. Perhaps few of you know that the option for two-factor authentication is available on, and you can, and indeed should, use it. But let's start from the beginning. What is it? 'Who needs it?' How do you enable this wonderful feature?

The need for two-factor authentication (2FA), or multi-factor authentication (MFA), is defined in Poland by the Act of July 28, 2023, on combating abuses in electronic communications, specifically article 24, paragraph 6. Quoting: 'The email provider for a public entity offers email that allows for the use of multi-factor authentication methods.' 

You have surely encountered such authentication, for example, when logging into your bank account. Simply put, it is a way of proving to a website that you are who you say you are through two or several stages of logging in. Usually, logging in is based on a username (or email) and password. A second verification stage, such as a code from an SMS, has been added to this login process.

Of course, some of you at this point might think that such a mechanism 'makes life harder' or is a nuisance. Perhaps, but let's remember – it's better to be safe than sorry. The name of the Polish law itself tells us the benefits of two-factor authentication. Let's imagine (which is not an unlikely scenario) that your email password has been cracked. The consequences? Sending SPAM from such an email is the least severe consequence. What if you had sensitive personal data of contractors or clients saved in your email? Or (God forbid!) login data for the company bank account? It is not hard to predict the scale of the potentially tragic consequences of such a situation. Thanks to multi-factor authentication, you can not only stop such an attempt to hack into your email (the SMS code is sent to your phone) but also become aware of such an attempt – which should undoubtedly lead to immediately updating your email password.

Okay, now we know what multi-factor authentication is (you encounter it when logging into your bank or trusted profile), and we also know why it is worth using such verification, even in everyday email use. Since you use email on – feel free to enable it! As for how to enable such a verification method in cPanel, where will you find out? [in unison] From our help section, of course! 😊

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