First of all - the data of the domain owner does not affect the data on which the VAT invoice will be issued (the data for it are downloaded from the My data tab).
If you want to update the domain owner - after entering the relevant data in the My Services tab - you will receive an assignment request to the e-mail provided for contact. Please follow the instructions on it. Only when the correct application is sent back to us, the data of the owner / subscriber is updated.
At the same time, a short information - if you decide only to update the contact details of the domain - the assignment will not be generated, and the change will go smooth.
See also
When is the Customer Service Office open?
How can I change the owner of the service?
Why am I getting e-mail information from DINFO SI?
What to do when I cannot log in to the Customer Panel?
Are my Client Panel and cPanel independent?
Why is it recommended to contact the Customer Panel?
I have a technical problem, how to notify administrators about it?
Can I count on the help of administrators?
How can I change the contact e-mail address?
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